Friday, March 21, 2014

DC Universe Earth-11

you all know about comics books and the many universes right. well while reading up on some universes that i hadn't had the chance to read i stumbled upon Earth-11, a universe in which the gender roles of all heroes and villains has changed. superman is now superwoman, batman is now batwoman, and so forth. i have yet to read much on this universe but it is something that i will be doing later today once i am out of school. probably the strangest thing by far in this universe is the fact that Wonder Man still has a feminine looking outfit, and i am not talking about the lower garb, but the tank top and the tiara. well it seems like it will be a pretty funny thing with the gender roles reversed and all. well i would suggest that you guys read up on this earth as well if you haven't i know i will! i bid thee good reading!

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